You and two friends sold lemonade during a yard sale and made $47.35. You expenses were $12.85. How much money will each friend get if they share their earnings equally?

I'll be glad to check your work.

profit of 47.35-12.85, split 3 ways, right? (divided by 3)

To figure out how much money each friend will get, we need to find the total amount of money earned after expenses and then divide that amount equally among the three friends.

To find the total amount earned, we subtract the expenses from the total sales:

Total amount earned = Total sales - Expenses

Total amount earned = $47.35 - $12.85

Now, let's calculate the total amount earned:

Total amount earned = $34.50

To find out how much each friend will get, we divide the total amount earned by the number of friends (three in this case):

Amount each friend will get = Total amount earned / Number of friends

Amount each friend will get = $34.50 / 3

Now let's calculate the amount each friend will get:

Amount each friend will get = $11.50

Therefore, each friend will get $11.50.