write and solve two subtraction problem that show how many of each animal therw might be. then write the numbersthey are four different kind of animals on the farm there are 19 More cows than sheep there are 19 more ducks than hens there more hens than cow

C = S + 19

D = H + 19
It would help if you proofread your questions before you posted them.
Insufficient data.
H = C + ?

To solve this problem, we can use subtraction to determine the number of each animal. Let's define variables for each of the animal quantities.

Let's say:
C = number of cows
S = number of sheep
D = number of ducks
H = number of hens

Based on the information given, we can write the following equations:

1. "There are 19 more cows than sheep."
C = S + 19

2. "There are 19 more ducks than hens."
D = H + 19

3. "There are more hens than cows."
H > C

Now let's solve these equations to find the quantities of each animal.

First, we'll use equation 1 and equation 2 to eliminate the variables S and D:

C - S = 19 (equation 1)
D - H = 19 (equation 2)

Since we want to solve for the variables, we need to isolate one of them in each equation to substitute into the other.

Let's isolate S in equation 1:

C - S = 19
S = C - 19

Now substitute this value of S into equation 2:

D - H = 19
D - (C - 19) = 19
D - C + 19 = 19
D - C = 0

Since D - C = 0, this means D = C.

Therefore, we have:
S = C - 19
D = C
H > C

Now, let's substitute D = C into the other equations:

C - S = 19 (equation 1)
C - (C - 19) = 19
C - C + 19 = 19
19 = 19

Since 19 = 19, this equation holds true no matter what value we choose for C. This means there are infinite solutions to this problem, and we cannot determine a unique number for each animal.

Therefore, the number of each animal on the farm cannot be determined with the given information.