Which of the following is NOT commonly used to express inequality in Spanish?




I think that it is menos

Is that what's in your notes?

Have you checked your text?
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Ms. Sue yes ma'am I did. but I don't remember this lesson. and AmeliaAvaPhillips you have to learn Spanish for highschool and for school. Please only comment to help. Im trying to learn. Thank you.

is it MAS??

lilkakes, have you checked the meaning of each of those 4 words?

menos = less
más = more

What do the other two mean?

writeacher yes.

tan means = so
que means = what
so after that it would be tan. Because tan is comparing. the apple is more red than the orange SO the apple has a darker color. Is that example right?

Yes, that's right.

Your question is which word is NOT a word used in demonstrating inequality (comparison). Do you have it now? =)

You are correct! "Menos" is not commonly used to express inequality in Spanish.

To determine the correct answer, you need to understand the meaning and common usage of each option.

1. "Tan" - Commonly used for expressing equality or comparison, for example, "Es tan alto como su hermano" means "He is as tall as his brother."

2. "Que" - Commonly used to compare two unequal things, for example, "Ella es más alta que él" means "She is taller than him."

3. "Más" - Commonly used to express more, greater, or superiority, for example, "Mi casa es más grande que la suya" means "My house is bigger than yours."

4. "Menos" - Although "menos" can be used to express subtraction or reduce something, it is not usually used to express inequality. It is more commonly used to express "less" or "minus" in numerical or mathematical contexts, for example, "Tengo cinco manzanas menos que tú" means "I have five fewer apples than you."

Therefore, "menos" is the correct answer to the question as it is not commonly used to express inequality in Spanish.