Stephen made a 90 page book in six days if you continues reading at that rate how long will it take him to read a 300 page book

Stephen made a 90 page book???

if you continues reading???

Assuming I've translated your gibberish correctly --
90/6 = 15 pages a day

300/15 = _______ days

Thank you everyone who answered!!!

But Iam sorry I did not understand For me THERES NO SPECFIC ANSWER SO Someone else please help me!! I am in connections and i have this lesson overdue from a week!!


90/6 * T = 300.

90T = 1800,
T = Time in days.

To find out how long it would take Stephen to read a 300-page book if he continues reading at the same rate, we need to calculate the number of pages he reads per day.

Since Stephen finished reading a 90-page book in 6 days, we can calculate his average daily reading rate by dividing the number of pages by the number of days:

Average daily reading rate = 90 pages / 6 days = 15 pages per day

Now, we can use this reading rate to determine how many days it would take Stephen to read a 300-page book:

Time to read a 300-page book = 300 pages / 15 pages per day = 20 days

Therefore, if Stephen continues reading at the same rate, it would take him 20 days to read a 300-page book.

guys if this is for connexus you shouldnt cheat, i use this website to check my answer and if theyre wrong i dont change them unless i figure out why. Cheating is bad!!