PLEASE HELP!!! This is a last minute homework help!!!

A cost function c(x) for producing x number of units: c(x) =20x+150
a) sketch the cost function c(x) from x=0 to x=50

surely you recognize that this is a linear function. So, plot any two points

(pick two values of x and calculate y)
draw a line between the points and extend it both ways. That is the graph.

If still unsure, google "linear function" or, what the heck, study your textbook a little.

x = 0

c = 20 • 0 +150 = 0 + 150 = 150

x = 50

c = 20 • 50 +150 = 1000 + 150 = 1150

Draw Cartesian coordinate system x , c(x)

Mark points x = 0 , c = 150 and x = 50 , c = 1150 and draw straigth line between the points.

hey Bosnian, thanks but do you mean by c is y coordinate and x is x coordinate

In Cartesian coordinate system horizontal coordinate is called abscissa.

Vertical coordinate is called ordinate.

The coordinates do not necessarily have to be x and y.

In this case abscissa is x , ordinate is c.

To sketch the cost function c(x), we need to plot the values of c(x) for different values of x.

Given that the cost function is defined as c(x) = 20x + 150, we can calculate c(x) for various values of x within the range from 0 to 50.

To begin, let's calculate c(x) for a few specific values of x:

For x = 0:
c(0) = 20(0) + 150 = 0 + 150 = 150

For x = 10:
c(10) = 20(10) + 150 = 200 + 150 = 350

For x = 20:
c(20) = 20(20) + 150 = 400 + 150 = 550

For x = 30:
c(30) = 20(30) + 150 = 600 + 150 = 750

For x = 40:
c(40) = 20(40) + 150 = 800 + 150 = 950

For x = 50:
c(50) = 20(50) + 150 = 1000 + 150 = 1150

Plotting these points on a graph with the x-axis representing the number of units (x) and the y-axis representing the cost (c), we can then connect the points to form a line.

The graph will show a linear relationship, starting at approximately (0,150) on the y-axis and rising at a steady slope of 20 (representing the cost per unit) as x increases. The line will continue upwards, intersecting the y-axis at (0, 150), and extend beyond x = 50.

Remember to label the axes and provide a title for the graph for clarity.