Which examines the impact of Napoleon’s territorial conquest on the world?

(1) Unification of the Rhine created a new European imperial power in Africa.
(2) The establishment of the Napoleonic code allowed for the codification of natural resources.
(3)Elimination of territorial boundaries in Europe created an international organization to maintain order.
(4)Napoleon's conquest of Spain led to independence movements in Spain's colonial holdings in the Americas.

Is it number 4?

Yes, # 4.

Yes, the correct answer is (4) Napoleon's conquest of Spain led to independence movements in Spain's colonial holdings in the Americas.

To arrive at the correct answer, you can analyze each option and eliminate the ones that don't fit the question.

Option (1) states that the unification of the Rhine created a new European imperial power in Africa. However, this option does not directly address the impact of Napoleon's territorial conquest on the world.

Option (2) mentions the establishment of the Napoleonic code allowing for the codification of natural resources. While this can be seen as one of Napoleon's contributions, it does not specifically focus on the impact of his territorial conquest.

Option (3) suggests that the elimination of territorial boundaries in Europe created an international organization to maintain order. Although Napoleon's conquest did bring about changes in territorial boundaries in Europe, there is no direct mention of an international organization.

Option (4) accurately states that Napoleon's conquest of Spain led to independence movements in Spain's colonial holdings in the Americas. This is a significant impact of Napoleon's territorial conquest, as it helped fuel independence movements and the eventual liberation of Spanish colonies in the Americas.

Therefore, based on the options provided, (4) is the correct answer.