Which two consective integers lies between the cube root of 45

To find the two consecutive integers that lie between the cube root of 45, we need to determine the whole number values that are close to the cube root of 45.

Step 1: Calculate the cube root of 45
The cube root of 45 is approximately 3.556.

Step 2: Determine the whole number values
The two consecutive integers between the cube root of 45 are 3 and 4, as they are the whole numbers closest to 3.556.

Therefore, the two consecutive integers that lie between the cube root of 45 are 3 and 4.

To find the two consecutive integers that lie between the cube root of 45, we first need to find the cube root of 45.

The cube root of a number can be found by using the cube root function on a calculator or by raising the number to the power of 1/3.

Let's calculate the cube root of 45:
∛(45) ≈ 3.556

So, the cube root of 45 is approximately 3.556.

Next, we need to find the two consecutive integers that lie between 3.556.

Since 3.556 is between 3 and 4, the two consecutive integers that lie between the cube root of 45 are 3 and 4.

Therefore, the answer is 3 and 4.

You meant:

The cube root of 45 lies between which two consecutive integers.
Well, the cube root of 45 is appr. 3.56 , so .....

3^3 = 27

4^3 = 64
so, ...