Which of the following arguments could have been used to support the US acquisition of Puerto Rico Guam in the Philippines

Are these your choices?

What is your answer?

1)The united states needed naval bases in the Caribbean and the pacific and new territory for businesses
2)the united states needed to stop the spread of communism
3)the united states should be western country to build a colonial empire
4)the united states needed to help nations that were struggling economically

There were several arguments that were used to support the US acquisition of Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines. Here are a few key arguments:

1. Strategic Location: One argument put forth was that these territories provided the United States with strategic locations in the Pacific Ocean. Puerto Rico was seen as a crucial naval base in the Caribbean, while Guam and the Philippines were seen as key naval bases in the Pacific. Acquiring these territories would give the US increased military presence and control over important sea routes, which was seen as necessary for national security.

2. Economic Interests: Supporters of the acquisitions argued that these territories offered significant economic benefits to the United States. Puerto Rico, for example, was seen as a potential market for US goods, while Guam and the Philippines provided access to resources such as sugar, coffee, and raw materials. Acquiring these territories would ensure that the US had access to these markets and resources, which could strengthen the American economy.

3. Civilizing Mission: Another argument used to justify the acquisitions was the idea of a "civilizing mission." Proponents of this view argued that the US had a responsibility to bring American values and institutions to these territories, which were seen as less developed or not fully civilized. This perspective held that the US had a duty to educate and uplift the people in these territories, bringing them the benefits of American civilization.

4. Preventing Other Powers from Taking Control: Concerns about other powers gaining control over these territories also played a role in justifying the acquisitions. At the time, there was a growing interest among European powers in expanding their colonial empires. Acquiring Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines was seen as a way for the US to prevent other powers, such as Spain or Germany, from gaining a foothold in the region.

It's important to note that these arguments were not without their critics, and there was significant debate and controversy surrounding the US acquisition of Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines.

To determine which arguments could have been used to support the US acquisition of Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines, we need to consider the historical context of that period. The US acquired these territories as a result of the Spanish-American War in 1898. Here are some possible arguments:

1. Strategic Military Outposts: One argument could have been that Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines provided the US with strategic military bases in the Pacific. Holding these territories would allow the US to project power, protect its interests, and secure trade routes in the region.

2. Naval Advantages: Acquiring these territories would have expanded the US Navy's reach and naval presence globally. The islands could serve as coaling stations and naval bases, providing a strategic advantage in terms of maintaining and protecting American interests in the Pacific.

3. Economic Benefits: The US could have argued that the acquisition of Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines would open new markets for American goods and increase trade opportunities. These territories could have potentially provided access to natural resources, valuable trading routes, and an expanded consumer base.

4. Political Influence: The US could have justified the acquisition by asserting that it was a way to spread American values, democracy, and civilization to these regions. It could have been argued that American governance would help modernize and develop these areas, ultimately improving the lives of the local populations.

5. Defense Against Rival Powers: Concerns about the ambitions of other major colonial powers, particularly Germany and Japan, could have been cited. Acquiring these territories would have prevented rival nations from gaining a foothold in the Pacific and potentially threatening US interests.

It's important to note that these arguments reflect perspectives from that historical period and may not necessarily reflect contemporary views. Historical context and the diverse perspectives involved are crucial when examining decisions made in the past.