Hi sorry to bother anyone but i just wanted to ask, was the North against slavery and the south wasn't. is that why they fought against each other.

welcome and thxs @writeacher

yes they fought over slavery

Thanks @leapordclaw

That was one reason, but there were others.


No bother at all! That's a great question. Yes, one of the major reasons for the American Civil War was indeed the issue of slavery, and the differences in viewpoints between the North and the South about its legality and morality.

To understand why the North and South had opposing views on slavery, it is helpful to look at the economic, social, and political factors. In the North, industrialization and urbanization were taking hold, leading to an economy that relied more on manufacturing and wage labor. This shift reduced the dependence on slavery. Additionally, the Northern states had been gradually abolishing slavery since the late 18th century, and by the mid-19th century, slavery had largely been abolished in the North.

On the other hand, the South's economy was heavily dependent on agriculture, particularly cotton production, which relied on plantation farming and slave labor. Slavery was deeply ingrained in Southern society and considered essential to their economic prosperity. The Southern states strongly defended the institution of slavery and saw any attempt to limit or abolish it as a threat to their way of life and economy.

As tensions grew between the North and the South over the expansion of slavery into new territories, disagreements over economic policies, and states' rights issues, these differences reached a boiling point. The election of President Abraham Lincoln in 1860, who opposed the expansion of slavery but did not advocate for immediate abolition, was a catalyst for the secession of seven Southern states. The secessionist states formed the Confederate States of America, triggering the Civil War.

So, to answer your question, yes, the North generally opposed slavery, while the South defended and relied on it. However, it is important to note that the Civil War had multiple complex causes, including economic, political, and cultural factors, not just the issue of slavery.