why did English settlers wanted to hide their colony from Spaniards


The English settlers wanted to hide their colony from the Spaniards primarily due to geopolitical and economic reasons. During the 16th and 17th centuries, England and Spain were bitter rivals competing for power, trade, and colonization. Here's how you can find more information:

1. Research the historical context: Learn about the geopolitical situation between England and Spain during that time period. Look for events such as the Anglo-Spanish War (1585-1604) and the Spanish Armada (1588) that highlight the intense rivalry between the two nations.

2. Study colonial ambitions: Understand the motivations behind English colonization. English settlers were primarily interested in establishing profitable colonies, gaining access to new trade routes, and expanding their influence and power. Knowledge of the economic motivations will provide insights into why they wanted to keep their colonies hidden from Spanish eyes.

3. Examine the Spanish presence in the region: Explore Spanish colonies in the Americas, such as Florida and the Caribbean islands, to see how close they were to the English settlements. The proximity and competition for resources made it crucial for the English colonies to remain hidden and avoid confrontation with the powerful Spanish Empire.

4. Study specific events and individuals: Look for specific instances where the English settlers had encounters with Spanish forces or attempted to avoid detection. The story of Roanoke Colony, for example, is an intriguing case of English settlers mysteriously disappearing, possibly due to Spanish interference.

By combining historical research, studying the motivations of English settlers, and examining the broader geopolitical context, you will gain a deeper understanding of why they wanted to hide their colonies from the Spaniards. Remember to consult academic sources, history books, credible websites, and primary sources to get a comprehensive understanding of the topic.