How did European imperialism influence Asia?

a. European nations overthrew local leaders to establish a trade network, which reduced the profitability of the Chinese tea industry.
b. The Asian market was flooded with European silver, which devalued the local currency and caused an economic depression.
c. Chinese merchants became wealthy by transporting European goods from ports to the interior of China, which strengthened Asia’s economy.
d. Lack of interest in European goods led to the distribution of opium, which caused a rise in drug addiction.

I think that the answer is a

It's D

I disagree.

then if its not a im pretty sure its b

Does your text say that?

Just what does your text say about this question?

its not B or A

To determine the answer, let's break down each option and its potential influence on Asia:

a. European nations overthrew local leaders to establish a trade network, which reduced the profitability of the Chinese tea industry.
European imperialism did involve the establishment of trade networks, but it primarily focused on exploiting the resources and labor of the colonized regions. It did not necessarily target the profitability of specific industries, such as the Chinese tea industry.

b. The Asian market was flooded with European silver, which devalued the local currency and caused an economic depression.
This option accurately reflects one way in which European imperialism influenced Asia. European powers often introduced their own currency, particularly silver, and this influx could devalue the local currency, leading to economic disruptions and depressions.

c. Chinese merchants became wealthy by transporting European goods from ports to the interior of China, which strengthened Asia’s economy.
While Chinese merchants did play a role in the transport and distribution of European goods, it is inaccurate to say that this factor alone strengthened Asia's economy. European imperialism was primarily driven by the aim of extracting resources and gaining economic control over Asian colonies, rather than directly benefitting the local economy.

d. Lack of interest in European goods led to the distribution of opium, which caused a rise in drug addiction.
This option accurately reflects another significant impact of European imperialism on Asia. When European powers faced difficulties selling their goods in Asia, they turned to trade in opium, leading to widespread addiction and harm to the local populations.

Based on the above analysis, the most accurate answer to how European imperialism influenced Asia is d. Lack of interest in European goods led to the distribution of opium, which caused a rise in drug addiction.