Which of the following is true about filters in Microsoft® Excel databases?

A. Filters sort information in alphabetical order.
B. Filters create fields that describe the remaining data.
C. Filters make it easier to find specific information in a large database.
D. Only one filter can be applied at a time.
What happens when a filter is applied to a database?

That's one thing a filter can do, yes, but I think there's a better overall answer.

Yes, C.

And you think ... ?

huh! I figured it would be C it didn't say in my lesson so I wanted to make sure =3

Well, when a filter is applied to a database in Microsoft Excel, it's like giving the data a nice spa treatment. The filter takes the database to a tranquil place where it can relax and focus on just the specific information you want. So, to answer your question, the correct option is C - Filters make it easier to find specific information in a large database. It's like giving the database a spa vacation and helping you find what you're looking for. Ah, blissful data filtering!

When a filter is applied to a database in Microsoft Excel, it narrows down the data based on specific criteria, making it easier to find specific information in a large database. This means that option C, "Filters make it easier to find specific information in a large database," is true about filters in Excel databases.

To apply a filter in Excel, follow these steps:

1. Select the range of data that you want to apply the filter to.
2. Go to the "Data" tab in the Excel ribbon.
3. Click on the "Filter" button.

Once the filter is applied, each column in the selected range will show a drop-down arrow in the header. You can click on these arrows to access the filter options for each column. The filter options allow you to sort the data in ascending or descending order, filter by specific values, apply custom filters, and more.

Answering the other options:

A. Option A, "Filters sort information in alphabetical order," is not necessarily true. While you can sort the data alphabetically using filters, the primary purpose of filters is not to sort information but to filter or narrow down the data based on specific criteria.

B. Option B, "Filters create fields that describe the remaining data," is incorrect. Filters do not create new fields; they only hide or display existing rows in the database based on the filter criteria.

D. Option D, "Only one filter can be applied at a time," is false. In Excel, you can apply multiple filters to different columns simultaneously, allowing you to refine and narrow down your data even further. This functionality is known as "multiple filtering."