what contributed to the defeat of the aztecs.

Well, how were the Aztecs defeated?

i think it is a or d

oh and this would be social studies not science

The defeat of the Aztecs was a complex event influenced by multiple factors. Here are the key contributing factors to their downfall:

1. Spanish Conquest: The primary reason for the Aztec defeat was the invasion by Spanish conquistadors led by Hernán Cortés in the early 16th century. The Spanish brought superior weaponry, such as firearms, as well as horses, which the Aztecs had not encountered before. The Aztecs initially mistook Cortés and his men for gods, which gave the Spanish a strategic advantage. Additionally, Cortés formed alliances with rival native tribes who were hostile towards the Aztecs, which weakened their support network.

2. Diseases: The arrival of the Spanish also brought diseases, such as smallpox, for which the Aztecs had no immunity. The spread of these diseases significantly weakened the Aztec population, making it easier for the Spanish to conquer them.

3. Internal Discontent: The Aztecs had a complex society with a centralized government and a hierarchical social structure. However, many subject tribes within the Aztec empire were discontented due to Aztec oppression and tribute demands. When the Spanish arrived, some of these subject tribes saw them as potential allies, leading to internal divisions within the Aztec empire.

4. Siege of Tenochtitlan: The final blow to the Aztecs came during the siege of their capital city, Tenochtitlan, which took place from 1521 to 1522. The Spanish cut off the city's supply lines and launched a massive assault. Despite fierce resistance, starvation, disease, and continuous bombardment eventually led to the capture and surrender of Tenochtitlan.

To find further details about the fall of the Aztecs, you can refer to historical accounts, books, and scholarly articles on the subject.

Are these your choices?

A. Drought B. enslaved Africans C. earthquakes D. small pox

What is your answer?

Which is it -- a or d? What does your text say?