What was the goal of Assyrian rulers’ technique of dividing their empire into smaller units called provinces?

I don't Know, I tried to google it but no successful response

Thank you...

They could keep better control if the districts were smaller. Remember the Assyrians had no cars, trains or planes. And they didn't have very good roads.

Oooo Thank you, Ms. Sue

You're welcome.

To understand the goal of Assyrian rulers' technique of dividing their empire into smaller units called provinces, we can examine the historical context of the Assyrian Empire and their administrative practices.

During the time of the Assyrian Empire (9th - 7th centuries BC), the empire expanded rapidly and became one of the largest and most powerful empires in the ancient world. To effectively govern such a vast territory, the Assyrian rulers implemented a system of dividing their empire into smaller units or provinces. This administrative division had several goals:

1. Centralized Control: By dividing the empire into provinces, the Assyrian rulers aimed to maintain centralized control over their vast territories. Each province was governed by a local appointed governor or satrap, who acted as the supreme authority within their jurisdiction, reporting directly to the central authority of the emperor. This hierarchical structure allowed the empire to exercise control over diverse regions and populations.

2. Efficient Administration and Taxation: Provincial divisions facilitated efficient administration and tax collection. The appointed governors were responsible for maintaining order, enforcing laws, collecting tribute and taxes, and ensuring the loyalty of the local population. By organizing the empire into provinces, the administration could more effectively manage resources, maintain law and order, and extract economic benefits from the conquered territories.

3. Cultural and Religious Unity: Another goal of dividing the empire into provinces was to promote cultural and religious unity. The Assyrian rulers enforced their culture and religious practices throughout the empire, and provincial divisions allowed for easier dissemination and implementation of these cultural and religious norms. The appointed governors were expected to enforce the cultural and religious policies of the central authority, thus ensuring a cohesive identity and loyalty among the diverse territories.

4. Military Control and Defense: Provinces also played a crucial role in military control and defense. Each province had its own garrison or military force stationed locally, which allowed for a quicker response to potential threats or rebellions. The provincial governors, acting as military commanders, were responsible for defending their provinces and maintaining the empire's security.

In summary, the goal of dividing the Assyrian Empire into smaller provinces was to enable centralized control, efficient administration and taxation, promote cultural and religious unity, and enhance military control and defense.