Ahmad bought 5 ounces of salad greens for $4.00. What was the unit price per pound of the salad greens?

A. $7.20
B. $8.00
C. $12.80
D. $20.00

what do you think the answer is

I think it is C.

(5/16)x = 4

x = 4/(5/16)
x = 4 * (16/5)
x = 64/5 = 12.80 a pound

Can you answer this question: In 18 minutes, Karl can walk 4 laps around the track at his school. If his pace stays the same, how many laps should Karl be able to walk in 1 1/2 hours?

A. 5
B. 18
C. 20
D. 48

I think the answer is C

Yes, c.

To find the unit price per pound of the salad greens, we need to convert the weight of the salad greens from ounces to pounds.

Since there are 16 ounces in a pound, we can divide the weight in ounces (5 ounces) by 16 to get the weight in pounds.

5 ounces / 16 = 0.3125 pounds

Now, we can find the unit price per pound by dividing the total cost ($4.00) by the weight in pounds (0.3125 pounds).

$4.00 / 0.3125 pounds = $12.80

Therefore, the unit price per pound of the salad greens is $12.80.

Thus, the correct answer is C. $12.80