Which detail from the excerpt from Prometheus shows direct characterization? (is it a?)

a)“O deep delusion of the powers that named thee/Prometheus, the Fore-thinker!”

b)“Look to it now, Hephaestus—thine it is,/Thy Sire obeying, this arch-thief to clench”

c)“Kinship and friendship wring my heart for him.”

d)“Look thou: thy flower, the gleaming plastic fire,/He stole and lent to mortal man—a sin”

e)“Hard is the heart of fresh-usurpèd power!”

Did you ever get the answer?


“O Strength and Force, for you the best of Zeus/Stands all achieved, and nothing bars your will:”

Nevermind... this is not the question i thought it was


“For Zeus, defied, is heavy in revenge!”

What?? This still is not what I thought it was

It’s A

The detail from the excerpt that shows direct characterization is option e, which says "Hard is the heart of fresh-usurped power!" This line directly characterizes the power being described as hard-hearted. To arrive at this answer, you can analyze the given options and look for statements that describe a character or attribute to them a specific trait or quality. This requires careful reading and comprehension of the excerpt provided.