the question is determine whether this relation is a function, state its domain and range.

*there's a graph for this question but i DON'T KNOW how to upload it but i will just describe it.
there are two arrows. the first arrow is at (-4,-2) and it pass through (0,0). the second arrow is also at (-4,-2) and it pass through (0,-4). (the arrow head is pointing away from (-4,-2)).

you know what guys, you guys are useless, i need help and you never help me, i waited 2 hours for the help and no one answered. please don't answer any question from anonymous

clearly not a function, since f(0) cannot be both 0 and -4

thanks for waiting, though.

To determine whether the given relation is a function, we need to check if each input value (x-coordinate) in the domain corresponds to exactly one output value (y-coordinate) in the range.

From the description you provided, it seems that there are two arrows passing through the point (-4, -2). The first arrow passes through (0, 0), and the second arrow passes through (0, -4).

Since both arrows pass through the same x-coordinate (-4), we need to check if they have different y-coordinates for that x-coordinate.

In this case, the first arrow passes through (0, 0) and the second arrow passes through (0, -4).

Since there are two different y-coordinates (-2 and -4) corresponding to the same x-coordinate (-4), this relation is not a function.

Domain: The domain of the relation is the set of all x-coordinates in the relation. In this case, the domain would be {-4} since that is the only x-coordinate mentioned.

Range: The range of the relation is the set of all y-coordinates in the relation. In this case, the range would be {0, -2, -4} since those are the y-coordinates mentioned.

Note: It would be helpful for future questions to include an image or graph to provide a more accurate explanation.