Some areas of an ocean are known as dead zones. These zones form when algae decomposes after an algae bloom. The increased number of decomposing algae use up oxygen from the water.

Which human activity is most affected by the increasing number of dead zones in the ocean?

Sand mining, because oxygen is not available to form the sands on ocean beaches

Offshore oil drilling, because water in dead zones is toxic

Commercial fishing, because fish cannot survive without oxygen

Commercial shipping, because dead zones change the course of ocean currents


A favorable adaptation that occurs due to natural selection should make an organism better able to survive in their environment. How does a favorable adaptation become part of a population?

Being among the strongest organisms in a population

Being able to survive, find a mate, and produce offspring that have the adaptation

Being able to survive long enough to reach the adult stage

Being able to escape from predators


The table lists some organisms found in a swamp ecosystem and their sources of energy.
Swamp Ecosystem Data
Energy Source

Raccoon = Frogs, bird eggs, fish, insects, snails, reptiles, plants

Carp=Plants, mosquito larvae

Blue heron=Fish, frogs

Alligator=Frogs,turtles,birds, fish, raccoons

Leopard frog=Insects


Mud turtle=Fish, snails, tadpoles, plants, worms, insects

Which of the organisms above would receive the least amount of energy from the food they consume?






To fight a bacterial infection, a patient was given an antibiotic to take for 10 days. After the patient finished taking the antibiotics as directed, almost all the bacteria were killed. After another 10 days, the patient was sick again with the same type of infection.
What most likely happened?

Some of the bacteria were resistant to the antibiotic, and they reproduced.

The patient’s high fever inactivated the antibiotic, allowing the surviving bacteria to grow rapidly.

The antibiotic slowed the life cycle of the bacteria.

A few bacteria survived the antibiotics and stopped reproducing.

A or C

The Sun appears to rise in the morning and set in the evening because of which of the following explanations?

The Earth rotates on its axis.

The Sun’s gravity is very strong.

The Sun is much larger than the Earth.

The axis of the Earth is tilted.


no on the second, and third.

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Correct, the Earth rotates on its axis, causing the Sun to appear to rise in the morning and set in the evening.

To solve the first question about the increasing number of dead zones in the ocean, we need to understand which human activity is most affected by these dead zones. Dead zones occur when algae decomposes after an algal bloom, and the increased number of decomposing algae consumes oxygen from the water. This lack of oxygen can have detrimental effects on marine life, including fish.

Looking at the options provided, it becomes apparent that commercial fishing would be the human activity most affected by dead zones in the ocean. This is because fish cannot survive without oxygen. Dead zones reduce the oxygen levels in the water, making it difficult for fish to survive and thrive.