A horse pulls a carriage with a force of 90 N forward. What is the reaction force of the carriage on the horse?

180 N
90 N forward.
0 N
90 N backward
is it the last one?

90 N backwards... just took the test and got it.

Damn all ya'll disliked but couldn't even share the right answer okkkk...

To determine the reaction force of the carriage on the horse, we need to consider Newton's third law of motion, which states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

In this scenario, when the horse pulls the carriage forward with a force of 90 N, the carriage exerts a reaction force on the horse with the same magnitude but in the opposite direction. This means that the reaction force of the carriage on the horse is also 90 N, but backward.

So, the correct answer is: 90 N backward.

i think its 90 forward