tell which Magazine has steepest graph.

Magazine A
Months Cost ($)

2 months 4.90

4 months 9.80

6 months 14.70
Magazine B
c = 0.25 m
c = total cost in dollars
m = number of months the magazine is received

what is the slope (cost rate, cost/mag) of Mag A?

what is 14.70/6 ? How does that compare to .25? The larger number is the "steepest" slope.

To determine which magazine has the steepest graph, we need to calculate the average cost per month for each magazine. The steeper the graph, the higher the average cost per month.

Let's start with Magazine A:

To find the average cost per month, we divide the total cost by the number of months:

- For 2 months: $4.90 / 2 = $2.45 per month
- For 4 months: $9.80 / 4 = $2.45 per month
- For 6 months: $14.70 / 6 = $2.45 per month

As we can see, the average cost per month for Magazine A is consistently $2.45.

Now let's move on to Magazine B:

The cost is given by the equation c = 0.25m, where c represents the total cost in dollars and m represents the number of months the magazine is received.

To find the average cost per month, we need to divide the total cost by the number of months:

- For 2 months: c = 0.25 * 2 = $0.50 total cost, $0.50 / 2 = $0.25 per month
- For 4 months: c = 0.25 * 4 = $1.00 total cost, $1.00 / 4 = $0.25 per month
- For 6 months: c = 0.25 * 6 = $1.50 total cost, $1.50 / 6 = $0.25 per month

As we can see, the average cost per month for Magazine B is consistently $0.25.

Comparing the average costs per month, we can conclude that Magazine A has the steepest graph since its average cost per month ($2.45) is significantly higher than Magazine B's average cost per month ($0.25).