What advancements did the Inca civilization make before the Europeans did?

The Inca civilization made several advancements before the Europeans arrived. To find out what these advancements were, you can refer to historical sources such as books, articles, and scholarly research. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to gather information on the advancements made by the Inca civilization:

1. Start with an overview: Begin by searching for general information on the Inca civilization. Websites like Wikipedia provide a good starting point, as they offer comprehensive summaries of historical civilizations, including the Incas.

2. Explore specialized sources: Look for scholarly books, papers, and articles that focus specifically on the Inca civilization. You can use academic databases like JSTOR, Google Scholar, or your local library's research databases to locate such resources.

3. Conduct keyword searches: Use relevant keywords like "advancements of the Inca civilization" or "Inca technological achievements" to narrow down your search results. This will help you find sources that specifically address the advancements made by the Incas.

4. Examine primary sources: Check if there are any primary sources available that provide firsthand accounts of the Inca civilization. Primary sources could include chronicles written by Spanish conquistadors who encountered the Incas or accounts from indigenous groups who lived alongside or descended from the Inca civilization.

5. Analyze the sources: Once you have gathered relevant sources, carefully read and analyze the information they provide. Look for specific advancements made by the Incas in areas such as architecture, engineering, agriculture, metallurgy, road systems, and social organization.

Some of the key advancements made by the Inca civilization include:

- Monumental architecture: The Incas built impressive stone structures like Machu Picchu and Sacsayhuaman, showcasing their advanced knowledge of engineering and construction techniques.
- Agricultural techniques: The Incas developed sophisticated agricultural systems, including terraced farming and irrigation methods that allowed them to cultivate crops in the challenging Andean environment.
- Road networks: The Incas constructed an extensive network of roads, bridges, and tunnels, facilitating communication and trade within their vast empire.
- Record-keeping: The Incas used a sophisticated system of record-keeping called quipu, which consisted of knotted cords, to track information such as census data, tribute collection, and historical records.
- Social organization: The Inca society was efficiently organized, with a centralized government, administration, and labor system that enabled the construction of large-scale projects.

By following these steps and consulting reliable sources, you should be able to gather information on the advancements made by the Inca civilization prior to European contact.

The Inca civilization made numerous advancements, some of which occurred before the arrival of the Europeans. Here are several key advancements made by the Incas:

1. Architecture: The Incas were known for their magnificent stone masonry and architectural achievements. Their most famous structure is Machu Picchu, a city built on a mountain ridge using precise fitting stones without mortar. They also built impressive terraces, roads, bridges, and fortresses across their vast empire.

2. Road System: The Inca Empire had an extensive road network that stretched over 14,000 miles (22,530 kilometers). These roads connected the different regions of the empire, facilitating communication, trade, and efficient administration.

3. Terrace Farming: To overcome the challenges of farming in the mountainous terrain of the Andes, the Incas developed terrace farming techniques. They constructed stepped agricultural terraces, called "andenes," which helped retain water, control erosion, and maximize arable land for cultivation.

4. Agriculture: The Incas were skilled agriculturalists. They domesticated many crops, including potatoes, maize (corn), quinoa, and beans. They developed various irrigation systems to harness water from rivers and streams, enabling them to grow crops in different ecological zones.

5. Centralized Administration: The Incas established a highly centralized political system where the state controlled all aspects of life. They implemented a sophisticated bureaucracy, with administrators overseeing taxation, public works, and military organization.

6. Communication: The Incas created a complex communication system called "quipu." Quipus were knotted strings of different colors and lengths used to record information. This system allowed the Incas to maintain records and communicate messages across their vast empire.

7. Medicine: The Incas had a deep understanding of herbal medicine. They used various plants and herbs for healing and treating ailments. Additionally, they performed successful surgeries, including skull trepanation, where holes were drilled into the skull to relieve pressure or remove tumors.

These are just a few examples of the advancements made by the Inca civilization, demonstrating their innovation and capabilities prior to the arrival of Europeans.