i have to do a project on balloon skewers. (search steve spangler science balloon skewer experiment)

can someone help me out:
what is the independent variable?
what is the dependent variable?
what are the constant variables?
and can someone help me make a correlative question?
thanks, i have a failing grade in my science class

what is the independent variable?- this is what changes such as time

what is the dependent variable? - this is what changes because of independent
what are the constant variables? - does not change
and can someone help me make a correlative question? Correlate means compare.

i know what that is but i dont know which is the iv or the dv and all that

An independent variable is the potential stimulus or cause, usually directly manipulated by the experimenter, so it could also be called a manipulative variable.

A dependent variable is the response or measure of results.

Extraneous variables — other than the independent variable — potentially can affect the dependent variable, so they must be controlled. If possible, you try to keep them constant between the experimental and control group. This is what you call the constant variable.

We will not do the work for you, but I hope this helps.

Of course, I'd be happy to help you with your project on the Steve Spangler Science balloon skewer experiment!

The independent variable in an experiment is the variable that the researcher purposely changes or manipulates. In the case of the balloon skewer experiment, the independent variable is likely the type or size of the balloon being used, or potentially the way the balloon is inflated or prepared.

The dependent variable, on the other hand, is the variable that is being measured or observed in response to the changes in the independent variable. In this experiment, the dependent variable is probably what happens to the balloon when a skewer is inserted in it.

The constant variables, also known as controlled variables, are the factors or conditions that are kept the same throughout the experiment to ensure a fair comparison. In this experiment, the constant variables could be things like the size of the skewer, the method of inserting the skewer into the balloon, the location or environmental conditions in which the experiment is conducted, etc.

As for creating a correlative question, you could consider asking something like:

- How does the size of the balloon affect the ability for the skewer to pass through without popping it?
- How does the type of balloon (e.g., latex vs. Mylar) impact the resistance to skewering?

Remember, the key to a good correlative question is establishing a relationship between variables that can be observed and analyzed.

If you need further assistance or have additional questions, feel free to ask!