Why did Romans try to make their gods happy?

because they believed the gods would help them convert to Judaism

because they believed they could be put in jail for making the gods unhappy

because they believed the gods would remove Julius Caesar from power

because they believed the gods would give them what they asked for

I think its B

I believe that it is D. because they would pray and sacrifice animals so they could get power, food, water, ect.

Hope this helped!

Don't worry, it is right!😊😊😁😜😜🙃🙃🙃🙂

1. Alphabet
2. A
3. D
4. B
5. A
6. D
7. C
8. B
9. C
10. A, D
11. A, C

12. The most democratic part: (the assembly)
worked like an oligarchy: (the senate)
top officials who served: (the magistrates)

13. It could not be attacked by seagoing ships

14. Made themselves dictators

15. D

Well, no one else was doing it so I figured I would! 😊😊😊
I hope that this helps you guys!

(Lesson 5, Unit 3
Practice Quiz)😊😜😜🙂🙃🙂🙃😊😝

whats answers les gooo

alice needs help is correct less goo

The correct answer is D. The Romans tried to make their gods happy because they believed that by doing so, the gods would grant them what they asked for.

I disagree. The concept of punishing people by putting them in jail only started around 1800.