explain what it meant manifest destiny and describe how belief in that idea was a main reason for tge United States go to war with Mexico ( short response) I read my textbook but I don’t understand how I can right it in a short essay

Ms Cade, I use this site to check my work. Sometimes people actually explain how to solve the problem.

Mrs. Cade is my teacher btw

so sad that she is on here

Yes, I'll check it if you post it within the next 10 minutes. I'm about to sign offline.

Imma just put the annexation was a success I am failing in history and idec about my grades anymore because they all suck

I study and nothing good comes out of it I just end up failing and I have to cheat to do the relearning because idk

the 19th-century doctrine or belief that the expansion of the US throughout the American continents was both justified and inevitable.

mrs cade stinks

So, the annexation was a success?

mrs.cade is my teacher too : )

What does manifest destiny mean?