What is the square root of the number obtained when 196 is multiplied by 4?

196 * 4 = 784


well, 196 = 14^2

and 4 = 2^2
so, √(196*4) = √196 * √4 = 14*2 = 28

The way the question was worded kind of gives it away.

The sqrt ( 4 * something) makes you (oobleck in this case) wonder immediately if that something is not a perfect square. It does not take long to figure out it is 14 even if your memory fails beyond 169.

To find the square root of a number, you have to first calculate the result of the multiplication and then take the square root of that result.

Let's calculate the result of multiplying 196 by 4:
196 * 4 = 784

Now, to find the square root of 784, you can use a calculator or the square root function on most scientific calculators. Taking the square root of 784 gives you the answer.

So, the square root of the number obtained when 196 is multiplied by 4 is √784, which is equal to 28.