Knowing that Dr. Mallet, a clinical psychologist, is interested in the latent and manifest content of his client's dreams, it's safest to suspect that Dr. Mallet embraces _______ theory.

A. unconscious wish-fulfillment
B. repressive-activation
C. dreams-for-survival
D. activation-synthesis

I agree.

To determine the theory that Dr. Mallet embraces regarding the latent and manifest content of his client's dreams, we can examine the options provided:

A. Unconscious wish-fulfillment: This theory, proposed by Sigmund Freud, suggests that dreams serve as a way for the unconscious mind to fulfill repressed desires and wishes. While this theory does acknowledge the importance of both latent and manifest content, it doesn't specifically focus on them.

B. Repressive-activation: This theory suggests that dreams occur as a result of the brain's attempt to process and integrate repressed memories and emotions. However, it doesn't specifically address the latent and manifest content of dreams.

C. Dreams-for-survival: This theory proposes that dreams serve an evolutionary function, helping individuals prepare for potential threats. Again, while this theory acknowledges the importance of dreaming, it doesn't specifically focus on the latent and manifest content.

D. Activation-synthesis: This theory, proposed by Allan Hobson and Robert McCarley, suggests that dreams result from the random activation of neural signals in the brainstem, which are then synthesized into a coherent narrative by the higher-level brain regions. This theory does consider the latent and manifest content of dreams, as it suggests that the brain attempts to make sense of these random signals by constructing a storyline.

Based on the provided options, the theory that aligns with Dr. Mallet's interest in the latent and manifest content of his client's dreams would be D. activation-synthesis.