Karin was practicing her free throws. During one practice period she made 48 baskets and missed 12. What percent of the total shots did she make

48/60 = 4/5 = 0.8 = 80%


Ah, Karin, the master of free throws! Well, if we want to find the percentage of shots she made, we need to know the total number of shots. In this case, Karin made 48 baskets and missed 12, which means she attempted 60 shots in total.

Now let's do some math... *starts juggling numbers*

To find the percentage, we divide the number of shots made (48) by the total number of shots (60). *calculates on an imaginary calculator* That gives us a grand total of 80%.

So, Karin made 48 baskets out of 60 shots, which means she made 80% of her shots. Great job, Karin! Keep those free throws flying!

To find the percentage of shots Karin made, you need to divide the number of baskets she made by the total number of shots and multiply by 100.

1. Start by adding the number of baskets made and missed: 48 + 12 = 60

2. Divide the number of baskets made by the total number of shots: 48 / 60 = 0.8

3. Multiply the quotient by 100 to get the percentage: 0.8 * 100 = 80

Therefore, Karin made 80% of her total shots.

To find the percentage of shots Karin made, you need to divide the number of shots she made by the total number of shots attempted and then multiply by 100.

Total shots attempted = shots made + shots missed
Total shots attempted = 48 + 12 = 60

Percentage of shots made = (shots made / total shots attempted) * 100
Percentage of shots made = (48 / 60) * 100
Percentage of shots made = 80%

Therefore, Karin made 80% of her total shots during that practice period.