Find all integers x for which there exists an integer y such that

1/x + 1/y = 1/7.

I'm not exactly sure how to approach this problem. Please answer as soon as possible.

this might be a good place to start.

google is your friend.

To solve this problem, we can start by simplifying the equation 1/x + 1/y = 1/7.

To combine the two fractions on the left-hand side, we need a common denominator. In this case, the common denominator is xy.

So, let's multiply both sides of the equation by xy:

xy * (1/x) + xy * (1/y) = xy * (1/7)

After canceling out terms, we get:

y + x = xy/7

Rearranging the equation, we have:

xy - 7y - 7x = 0

Now let's treat this equation as a quadratic equation in terms of y:

y^2 - 7x*y - 7x = 0

Applying the quadratic formula, we have:

y = (7x ± √(49x^2 + 28x))/(2)

Since y is an integer, the discriminant (49x^2 + 28x) must be a perfect square. Let's form an equation from the discriminant:

49x^2 + 28x = d^2

where d is a positive integer.

Now we have a Diophantine equation. To solve this equation, find integer solutions for x such that 49x^2 + 28x is a perfect square.

One approach to solve this equation is to consider the factors of 49 (prime factorization of 49 is 7 * 7).

Let's examine two cases:

Case 1: When 7 divides x.

Let's assume x = 7k, where k is an integer.

Substituting into the equation:

49(7k)^2 + 28(7k) = d^2
(7^2)(7k^2 + 4k) = d^2

This shows that the expression inside the brackets, 7k^2 + 4k, must be a perfect square. Let's call it m^2:

7k^2 + 4k = m^2

We now have another quadratic Diophantine equation. One way to solve it is to complete the square. By doing so, we get:

(2k + 1)^2 - m^2 = 1

This equation is a special case of Pell's equation, which has infinitely many solutions. One such solution is when (2k + 1) = 3 and m = 2:

(2k + 1)^2 - m^2 = 1
(2(1) + 1)^2 - (2)^2 = 1
(3)^2 - (2)^2 = 1
9 - 4 = 1

Therefore, x = 7k = 7(1) = 7 and y = (7x ± √(49x^2 + 28x))/(2) = (7(7) ± √(49(7)^2 + 28(7)))/(2) = 98/2 or -56/2. The integers are x = 7 and y = 49 or -28.

Case 2: When 7 does not divide x.

In this case, let's assume x = 7k + r, where r is the remainder when x is divided by 7.

Substituting into the equation:

49(7k + r)^2 + 28(7k + r) = d^2
(7^2)((7k + r)^2 + 4(7k + r)) = d^2
(7^2)(49k^2 + 14kr + r^2 + 28k + 4r) = d^2
(7k^2 + 14kr + r^2 + 4k + r) = (d^2)/49

Since d^2/49 is a perfect square, we can let (d/7)^2 = n^2:

7k^2 + 14kr + r^2 + 4k + r = n^2

Similar to Case 1, we complete the square:

(k + r/2)^2 - (3r^2 + 4k + r) = 0

Again, we have a Diophantine equation. One possible solution is when k = 1 and r = -1:

(1 + (-1)/2)^2 - (3(-1)^2 + 4(1) + (-1)) = 0
(3/2)^2 - (3 - 4 - 1) = 0
(3/2)^2 - (3 - 5) = 0
(3/2)^2 - (-2) = 0
9/4 + 8/4 = 17/4 = 0

Therefore, x = 7k + r = 7(1) + (-1) = 6 and y = (7x ± √(49x^2 + 28x))/(2) = (7(6) ± √(49(6)^2 + 28(6)))/(2) = 42/2 or 60/2. The integers are x = 6 and y = 21 or 30.

So, the possible integer solutions for x and y are x = 7, y = 49 or -28, and x = 6, y = 21 or 30.