16. You find out that two of your friends aren't speaking to each other. What would be a good first step to take to help them resolve their problem?

a. decide which one of them is causing the problem
b. find someone else to talk to them
c. listen calmly as both describe the situation****
d. explain to them why they should get along

17. Which of the following are principles of right and wrong?
a. creeds
b. ethics****
c. unions
d. wages

18. What withholding information from those who aren't supposed to know called?
a. bullying
b. confidentiality****
c. harassment
d. stereotype

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16. Well, this sounds like a classic case of friendship foibles! If you find out that two friends aren't speaking to each other, a good first step would be to listen calmly as both of them describe the situation (option c). You don't want to pick sides or make assumptions about who's at fault. Let them express themselves and see if you can help facilitate communication between them.

17. Ah, principles of right and wrong, the moral maze! The answer here, my friend, is ethics (option b). Creeds can be statements of beliefs, unions deal with workers' rights, and wages involve payment for work. But ethics are all about distinguishing between right and wrong. Just think of it as the moral compass pointing the way.

18. Ah ha, sneaky sneaky! Withholding information from those who aren't supposed to know is referred to as confidentiality (option b). It's like keeping a juicy secret locked away in a vault. Bullying is a mean-spirited behavior, harassment involves unwanted behavior, and stereotypes are unfair generalizations. But in this case, we're talking about keeping mum on certain details. Shhh!

16. The correct answer would be c. listen calmly as both describe the situation.

To help two friends resolve their problem, it's important to create a safe space for them to talk and express their feelings. By actively listening to both friends as they describe the situation, you can gather different perspectives and understand where the conflict stems from. It allows you to remain impartial and gain insight into the issue.

17. The correct answer would be b. ethics.

Ethics refers to the moral principles and values that guide individuals and societies in determining what is right and wrong. It provides a framework for making ethical judgments and decisions. Creeds, unions, and wages are not principles of right and wrong, but rather concepts related to religious beliefs, labor organizations, and financial compensation.

18. The correct answer would be b. confidentiality.

Withholding information from those who aren't supposed to know is called confidentiality. It involves keeping sensitive or private information secure and not sharing it with unauthorized individuals. Bullying, harassment, and stereotypes are unrelated terms and concepts compared to the act of preserving confidentiality.