Why did the Palestinians’ relationship with Israel worsen when Hamas won the most seats in the 2006 Palestinian parliamentary election? A Hamas wanted to eliminate Israel as a country. B Hamas wanted Israel to invade Lebanon. C Hamas wanted to build security barriers to prevent Israeli invasions. D Hamas wanted to elect PLO representatives to Israel's parliament.

I think the answer is D

Use the drop-down menu to complete the sentence.

Wahhabism is a branch of Sunni Islam that interprets Islamic scripture literally and holds that government should follow Islamic teachings. is that answer?

sometimes dont clik those links

Actually, the correct answer is A. Hamas wanted to eliminate Israel as a country. Hamas is a Palestinian political and military organization with a goal of establishing an Islamic state in the region and resisting Israeli occupation. The election of Hamas in 2006 created tension in the relationship between Palestinians and Israel because Hamas' stance towards Israel is to reject its existence and advocate armed resistance against it. This represented a significant departure from the previous majority party, Fatah, which had pursued peace negotiations with Israel. The election results heightened the conflict and strained relations between Palestinians and Israel, leading to a worsened relationship.

I disagree with your first answer.


Your second answer is right.