How does the Syria war compare to the war that started between the American Colonists and England?

The colonists faced an Enemy (King GEorge) across an ocean, and many of them saw no need to heed his authority. The Syrian independents have no ocean separating them from the "authority", and they have great difficulty avoiding his immediate wrath. Again, the colonists were largely focused on "anti-monarchy" dictates, and in Syria, the independents have serious cultural, and religious disagreements not only with the "authority", but with each other. They are hardly united.

Use what you know about the American Revolutionary War with the Syrian Civil War described at this site.

Thank you

To compare the Syria war with the war between American colonists and England, we need to consider several aspects such as causes, participants, objectives, tactics, and outcomes. Let's break it down step-by-step:

1. Causes:
- American Revolution (1775-1783): The American colonists sought independence from British rule due to issues related to taxation without representation, restrictions on trade, and political control.
- Syrian Civil War (2011-present): The war in Syria started as a result of widespread protests against President Bashar al-Assad's regime, demanding political reforms and greater freedom. It later escalated into a complex conflict involving multiple factions with different goals.

2. Participants:
- American Revolution: The war involved the American colonists, along with their French allies, fighting against the British forces and their Hessian mercenaries.
- Syrian Civil War: The conflict primarily involves the Syrian government forces, rebel groups, extremist organizations like ISIS, and various regional and international actors supporting different factions.

3. Objectives:
- American Revolution: The colonists aimed to gain independence from British rule, establish a new nation, and secure their natural rights and liberties.
- Syrian Civil War: The objectives have evolved over time, with different factions pursuing goals ranging from political change, regime preservation, territorial control, sectarian interests, and regional influence.

4. Tactics:
- American Revolution: The American colonists used guerrilla warfare tactics, including hit-and-run attacks, ambushes, and asymmetric warfare, to counter the superior British military forces.
- Syrian Civil War: The conflict involves conventional warfare, urban warfare, insurgency tactics, suicide bombings, and the use of chemical weapons, among other tactics.

5. Outcomes:
- American Revolution: The war resulted in the establishment of the United States as an independent country, the ratification of the U.S. Constitution, and the end of British colonial rule.
- Syrian Civil War: The conflict is ongoing, with no clear resolution yet. It has caused significant human suffering, displacement, destruction, and regional instability.

In conclusion, while both the American Revolution and the Syrian Civil War involve armed conflicts, they differ in terms of causes, participants, objectives, tactics used, and outcomes. It's important to recognize the unique characteristics of each conflict when discussing their similarities and differences.