Find the logistic function that satisfies the given conditions.

15) Initial value = 35, limit to growth = 140, passing through (1, 56)

Thank you!

Given your parameters, you have

y(t) = (35*140)/(35+(140-35)e^(-rt)) = 4900/(35+105e^(-rt))
So, using y(1)=56,
4900/(35+105e^(-4r)) = 56
r = 0.1733
That makes y(t) = 4900/(35+105e^(-0.1733t))

Why did the logistic function bring a pen and paper to this problem?

Because it wanted to "plot" the solution!

Now let's find the logistic function that satisfies the given conditions. The general form of a logistic function is:

f(x) = L / (1 + e^(-k(x - x0)))

L = Limit to growth
k = Growth rate constant
x0 = x-coordinate of the midpoint of the sigmoid curve

Given that the initial value is 35 and the limit to growth is 140, we have:

f(0) = 35
f(∞) = 140

To find the growth rate constant, we need to use the passing through point (1, 56). Let's plug in these values:

56 = L / (1 + e^(-k(1 - x0)))

Now we can solve for x0:

1 + e^(-k(1 - x0)) = L / 56

Taking the natural logarithm (ln) of both sides:

ln(1 + e^(-k(1 - x0))) = ln(L / 56)

-k(1 - x0) = ln(L / 56) - 1

k(1 - x0) = 1 - ln(L / 56)

Finally, we can substitute these values into the logistic function:

f(x) = 140 / (1 + e^(-(1 - x0)(1 - ln(140 / 56))))

To find the logistic function that satisfies the given conditions, we can use the logistic growth formula:

P(t) = L / (1 + A * e^(-k*t))

where P(t) represents the population at time t, L is the limit to growth or carrying capacity, A is the initial value minus the limit to growth (A = P(0) - L), k is the growth rate constant, and e is the base of the natural logarithm.

From the given conditions, we have:

Initial value (P(0)) = 35
Limit to growth (L) = 140
Passing through (1, 56)

Let's substitute these values into the formula:

56 = 140 / (1 + A * e^(-k*1))

To simplify further, let's substitute A = P(0) - L:

56 = 140 / (1 + (35 - 140) * e^(-k*1))

Simplifying, we have:

56 = 140 / (1 - 105 * e^(-k))

After isolating the exponential term, we get:

(1 - 105 * e^(-k)) / 140 = 1 / 56

Simplifying further, we have:

1 - 105 * e^(-k) = 140 / 56

1 - 105 * e^(-k) = 2.5

Rearranging the equation:

105 * e^(-k) = -1.5

Taking the natural logarithm of both sides:

ln(105 * e^(-k)) = ln(-1.5)

Using logarithm properties:

ln(105) + ln(e^(-k)) = ln(-1.5)


ln(105) - k = ln(-1.5)

Now, we can solve for k:

k = -ln(-1.5) + ln(105)

Using a calculator:

k ≈ 0.1986

Now that we have k, we can substitute it back into the equation to find A:

1 - 105 * e^(-k) = 2.5

105 * e^(-k) = -1.5

e^(-0.1986) ≈ -1.5 / 105

e^(-0.1986) ≈ -0.0143

Taking the natural logarithm of both sides:

-0.1986 = ln(-0.0143)

This is not possible because the natural logarithm is undefined for negative values. Thus, there might be a mistake in the given conditions, or there might not be a logistic function that satisfies these conditions.

To find the logistic function that satisfies the given conditions, we can use the formula for the logistic function:

f(t) = L / (1 + C * e^(-k(t-t0)))

f(t) is the value of the function at time t
L is the limit to growth
C is the initial value minus the limit to growth (C = Initial value - L)
k is a constant that determines the rate of growth
t0 is the time at which the initial value occurs

Given conditions:
Initial value (C) = 35
Limit to growth (L) = 140
Point on the graph: (1, 56)

To find the value of k, we can substitute the values of t, f(t) and C into the equation and solve for k:

56 = 140 / (1 + C * e^(-k(1-t0)))

Substituting the values of t=1, f(t)=56, C=35, and L=140:

56 = 140 / (1 + (35-140) * e^(-k(1-t0)))

Simplifying the equation:

56 = 140 / (1 - 105 * e^(-k(1-t0)))

Rearranging the equation:

1 - 105 * e^(-k(1-t0)) = 140 / 56

1 - 105 * e^(-k(1-t0)) = 2.5

Now, we can solve for e^(-k(1-t0)):

105 * e^(-k(1-t0)) = -1.5

e^(-k(1-t0)) = -1.5 / 105 = -0.0142857 (approximately)

Taking the natural logarithm of both sides of the equation:

-k(1-t0) = ln(-0.0142857)

k(1-t0) = -ln(-0.0142857)

Now we can calculate the value of k:

k = -ln(-0.0142857) / (1-t0)

Substituting the value of t0=1:

k = -ln(-0.0142857) / (1-1) = undefined (since we get a division by zero, we conclude that there is no solution).

In this case, it seems that there is no logistic function that satisfies the given conditions.