George has a square sandbox in back yard. the sandbox has an area of 160 square feet. to the nearest foot, what is the length of one side of the sandbox? is the answer 40 or 12, here are the answer choices


The answer is neither 40 nor 12.

Yes, now round 12.64 to the nearest foot.

Really? OH, MY GOODNESS that was so easy thank you for clearing it up for me, Ms.Sue.

can you check another one of my question?

The area us found by multiplying the length times the width. So the area of a square is found by multiplying one side by itself.

What is the square root of 160?

uh....13 bc it's closer to 12?🤔

Yes!! -:)

Sure, I'll check other answers.

And thank you.

ok hold on one sec for me....

the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is 26cm. the length of one leg is 24 cm. find the length of the other leg - is it 10?
Four students work to find an estimate for square root 37. Who is closest to finding the true estimate? (1 point)

Rhonda: "Use square root 16 and square root 25 to estimate."
Ricardo: "I use square root 25 and square root 36."
Riley: "It should be between square root 36 and square root 49."****
Rhiannon: "Use square root 49 and square root 64 to estimate."
am i right

Yes, the other leg is 10.

For the second part, 10 is not between 6 and 7.

hi, did u see my post