How did Greece civilization respond within society? Succeeded or failed? what were their success and fails? please someone help me anything links answers ANYTHING! semester end in literally 5 hours

respond to needs within society**** sorry forgot the word needs

To understand how Greek civilization responded within society, it is helpful to examine both its successes and failures. Here's how you can gather information on this topic within the available time:

1. Use search engines: Start by searching for keywords such as "Greek civilization response in society," "successes of Ancient Greece," and "failures of Ancient Greece." This will give you a wide range of sources to explore.

2. Utilize reputable websites: Look for reputable websites like Encyclopedia Britannica,, or Ancient History Encyclopedia. These websites provide reliable information and can help you understand the successes and failures of Greek civilization.

3. Focus on key areas: Greek civilization had various areas of success and failure. Some key areas to explore include democracy, philosophy, art and architecture, military achievements, societal roles of women, and economic systems such as trade and slavery. By examining these areas, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of their successes and failures.

4. Primary and secondary sources: Look for primary sources such as writings from ancient Greek philosophers like Plato and Aristotle, as well as historical accounts written by ancient Greek historians like Thucydides and Herodotus. Additionally, explore secondary sources like academic articles or books that specifically discuss the successes and failures of Greek civilization.

5. Note the context: It's important to consider the historical and cultural context in which Greek civilization developed. This will help you understand the challenges they faced and the impact their responses had on society.

Remember, analyzing the successes and failures of a civilization requires time and thorough research. If the available time is limited, it may be helpful to focus on key aspects and gather as much information as you can to present a well-rounded understanding. Good luck with your semester end!

I could give you an answer, but I'm sure you'll be better off using the information in your text.