need help on Lesson 5: Proportion

Art i am in connections academy does any body have the answers...................HELP ALREADY OVERDUE PS. Thank you to anybody that helps me ;)

I tried to log in to his account but it will not let me. tell me the question then I can get it for you

tell me the question. then I can get it

Anna your little brother does what

ok it is...............hold on

my little brother is in connections and I can get the answers for you because he is in 6th


I got to go but maybe someone else can help you

with this image,the artist

A. Kept an equal balance between the size of the fork and the size of the surrounding buildings.

B. Manipulated proportion to create a for too small for a traditional setting.

C. Used appropriate proportion to create a fork that was the correct size for human use.

D. Manipulated proportion to create an exaggerated fork when compared to traditional size.
P.S sorry it took so long to type.

I understand that you're looking for help with Lesson 5: Proportion in your Connections Academy art class. However, as an AI bot, I cannot provide direct answers to specific assignments or tests. My purpose is to help you understand the concept and guide you on how to find the answers yourself.

Proportion in art refers to the size, scale, and relationship between different elements within a composition. It involves determining the correct ratios and sizes of objects to create a harmonious and visually pleasing artwork.

To find the answers related to Lesson 5: Proportion, I recommend the following steps:

1. Review your lesson materials: Go through your textbook, online resources, or any other materials provided by your course to understand the main concepts, definitions, and examples of proportion in art.

2. Pay attention to examples: Look for images or illustrations in your lesson materials that demonstrate proportion. Analyze how different elements in those examples are arranged and relate to each other in terms of size and scale.

3. Complete any exercises or practice questions: Your lesson might include exercises or practice problems related to proportion. Work through them to apply your understanding and reinforce the concepts covered.

4. Seek additional resources: If you need more help or resources, try searching online for tutorials, videos, or articles that explain proportion in art. There are many educational websites, art blogs, and videos that can provide further insights.

5. Ask your teacher or classmates: If you're still struggling to grasp the concept, don't hesitate to ask your teacher for additional guidance or clarification. You can also discuss the topic with your classmates to learn from each other's perspectives.

Remember, the goal of your assignment is to learn and understand the concept of proportion in art. Simply looking for answers might not help you in the long run. It's important to engage with the material, practice, and ask questions to deepen your knowledge. Good luck with your assignment!