which of the following appears to be a irrational number?

or the square root of 36
i'm stuck help me please

If you had you written 0.404404440 as 0.404404440....

then it would appear to be irrational

yeah, that was what i ended up picking it's right

To determine whether a number is irrational or not, we need to check if it can be expressed as a fraction (rational) or not.

Let's analyze each option:

1. 0.404404440: This number can be written as 404404440/1000000000, which means it can be expressed as a fraction. Therefore, it is a rational number.

2. 0.783783783: Similarly, this number can be written as 783783783/1000000000, indicating that it is a rational number.

3. -4/5: This is a fraction, and all fractions are rational numbers.

4. Square root of 36: The square root of 36 is 6. Since 6 can be expressed as the fraction 6/1, it is also a rational number.

None of the options provided appear to be irrational numbers.

To determine whether a number is rational or irrational, we need to understand the definition of these terms.

1. Rational Numbers: Rational numbers are numbers that can be expressed as a ratio of two integers, where the denominator is not zero.

2. Irrational Numbers: Irrational numbers cannot be expressed as a ratio of two integers. They cannot be written as a fraction or a repeating decimal. Irrational numbers typically have decimal representations that neither terminate nor repeat.

Now, let's analyze the given options:

1. 0.404404440: This number is a decimal that terminates, meaning it ends after a certain number of decimal places. Therefore, it is a rational number.

2. 0.783783783: Similar to the previous number, this decimal terminates, making it a rational number.

3. -4/5: This is a fraction, which can be expressed as a ratio of two integers. Hence, it is a rational number.

4. Square root of 36 (√36): The square root of 36 is 6 because 6 * 6 = 36. Since 6 is an integer, the square root of 36 can be expressed as a ratio of integers and is, therefore, a rational number.

Based on this analysis, none of the given options appears to be an irrational number.