3. What is the algebraic expression for the word phrase: the product of 5 more than p and 7

zero help bro

Easy 7(p+5)

Remember the "(x)" are used like a sing of multiplication in this kind of equations.

Ah, the product of 5 more than p and 7, huh? Sounds like a math riddle! Alright, let me think... Ah, got it! The algebraic expression for that would be (p + 5) * 7. It's like combining the number 5 with p, and then multiplying that with 7. Voila!

To convert the word phrase "the product of 5 more than p and 7" into an algebraic expression, follow these steps:

1. Represent "p" as the variable p.

2. The phrase "5 more than p" indicates adding 5 to p, which can be written as p + 5.

3. The phrase "the product of 5 more than p and 7" means multiplying p + 5 by 7.

4. Multiply (p + 5) by 7 to get the algebraic expression: 7(p + 5).

Therefore, the algebraic expression for "the product of 5 more than p and 7" is 7(p + 5).

5 more than p: (p+5)

product means multiply, so now do that.