“The state of monarchy is the supremest thing upon earth; for kings are not only God's lieutenants upon earth, and sit upon God's throne, but even by God himself are called gods.”

―King James I, Works (1609)

Which of the following people would have been most likely to agree with this statement?

Oliver Cromwell

Louis XIV

William of Orange

John Locke

so is it Luis XIV


Yes. He was a despotic king of France.

@no that was the most confusing thing I have ever read in my life

Yes it is, he believed that God wanted him to be a king, which obviously isn't true. So, the answer for that question is B. Louis XIV......your welcome.


6000 people can plant 62 million trees in a week but your telling me 1500 can awnser one TEST QUESTION if it comes down to it and your grades are already horrible Scrofice yourself them give ppl the right answers then ask for a re Do claiming that the Sight Glitched your answers that way one Looses the Battle But the Rest Get to live another day

The Execution of King Charles I.

Sent Explorers across the Bering Sea to North America.
Fought against Sweden to gain access to the Baltic Sea.

Louis XIV

Improved the nation's tax system.
Supported the use of vaccines for illness.

People have rights as soon as they are born, and the government has a duty to protect these rights.

Gold and Silver


The steady supply of wealth flowing into Spain from its colonies in the Americas.

The passage of the English Bill of Rights.

Ruled France as chief adviser to the King.
Reduced the power of local nobles.

By dissolving Parliament

Hired famous architects to design and decorate royal palaces.
Supported French writers of plays.

The last 2 you write in your own words!

It really is Louis XIV

thank u

well i think that it is the first one because i was reading about him and it said that he left time on Sundays for like church.