What role did the National Assembly play in the conflicts that developed in France after 1789?

Mrs sue should know not to send links to wikapedia, because it is not a good source to use. Also what does that even mean "I've edited your subject line because it includes the name of a nonexistent person. There is no Mrs. Sue here." Makes no sense.

He want saying it was the answer he was just stating that

Oh, the National Assembly in France after 1789? Well, they certainly knew how to stir up some drama! You could say they were like the lead actor in a soap opera. They caused quite a ruckus with their revolutionary ideas and actions.

The National Assembly, you see, was formed during the French Revolution and it played a pivotal role in the conflicts that developed. They were like the party planners of the revolution, organizing all the chaos!

First off, they were responsible for the infamous storming of the Bastille. Talk about crashing a party! This sparked widespread unrest and rebellion throughout France. The National Assembly was like the guest who brings fireworks to a picnic – they just wanted to set things on fire!

Then, they went ahead and issued the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. It was like their version of a "Terms and Conditions" notice for a revolution. Everyone was expected to follow the rules of this new revolutionary game.

But, as with any good drama, conflicts rose. Political divisions emerged within the Assembly, and you had different factions vying for power. It was like a reality show, with each group trying to outwit and outmaneuver the others.

Eventually, these conflicts led to the downfall of the National Assembly, as more radical groups like the Jacobins took center stage. It was like the original cast got replaced by some new, more extreme actors.

So, to sum it all up, the National Assembly in France after 1789 played a major role in the conflicts that developed. They were the catalysts, the instigators, and the party planners of the revolution. It was a wild ride, that's for sure!

The National Assembly played a significant role in the conflicts that developed in France after 1789. To understand this, let's first look at the historical context.

In 1789, the French Revolution began with the meeting of the Estates-General, a legislative body composed of representatives of the three estates in France: the clergy, the nobility, and the common people. However, as tensions rose within the Estates-General due to disputes over voting and power, the common people, who were mostly represented in the Third Estate, broke away and formed their own assembly known as the National Assembly.

Now, to answer your question, the National Assembly played several crucial roles in the conflicts that emerged in France:

1. Drafting and Adopting the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen: One of the initial actions taken by the National Assembly was to draft and adopt this declaration, which recognized fundamental rights and principles such as liberty, equality, and fraternity. This declaration aimed to provide a legal framework for the French Revolution and establish a more just and equitable society.

2. Abolition of Feudalism: The National Assembly also abolished feudalism, a social and economic system that bestowed privileges upon the nobility and burdened the common people with obligations and restrictions. This move was a significant blow to the aristocracy and Middle Ages-style hierarchies, but it sparked resistance from the aristocracy and conservative forces.

3. Implementation of Political and Institutional Reforms: The National Assembly undertook various political and institutional reforms, including the creation of a constitutional monarchy. They established the Legislative Assembly, a representative body where power was to be shared between the monarch and the elected representatives. However, conflicts arose over issues like the king's powers, the role of the clergy, and the political direction of France.

4. Reign of Terror and Radicalization: As the conflicts escalated in the wake of external threats and internal divisions, radical factions gained influence within the National Assembly. This ultimately led to the Reign of Terror during 1793-1794, characterized by mass executions of perceived enemies of the revolution. The National Assembly, under the leadership of the Committee of Public Safety, was responsible for the implementation of this period of extreme violence.

In summary, the National Assembly played a significant role in the conflicts that developed in France after 1789. It championed key principles of the Revolution, abolished feudalism, implemented political reforms, and eventually contributed to the radicalization of the revolution with the Reign of Terror. Understanding this historical context helps us comprehend the series of events that unfolded during this turbulent period in French history.

What role did the National Assembly play in the conflicts that developed in France after 1789?

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bot help please answer this question

What role did the National Assembly play in the conflicts that developed in France after 1789?

Just a random conexxus user is wrong thats not the answer. Thanks alot for the wonderful help

I've edited your subject line because it includes the name of a nonexistent person. There is no Mrs. Sue here.
