For this question, translate the following word in English.


A) Difficult
B) Developers

Is it B?

Okay dokey thank you!

yes it is b

Developers is the correct answer

sí, es B , has adivinado correctamente buen trabajo

( I speak multiple langs.)

Yes, the correct translation for "Desarrolladores" in English is B) Developers.

To determine the translation, you can use various methods:

1) Online Translation Tools: You can use online translation tools such as Google Translate or Bing Translate. Simply input the word "Desarrolladores" into the website or app, select the translation language as English, and it will provide you with the translation.

2) Language Learning Apps: Language learning apps such as Duolingo or Babbel often have built-in translation features. You can input the word "Desarrolladores" into the app and select English as the translation language to get the correct translation.

3) Bilingual Dictionaries: You can use bilingual dictionaries, either in physical or online format, to look up the translation of a word. These dictionaries provide translations between different languages and are reliable sources for accurate translations.

In this case, it is indeed B) Developers, which refers to individuals who create, design, and maintain software applications or systems.