To function properly,children's safety

seats and restraints must:

1. be installed correctly and anchored
to the vehicle.

2. face the back of the seat.

3. come with a lap belt and shoulder

Would number 1 be the best answer?

My text says:
"Safety seats and restraints must not only be appropriate,but also installed
and used correctly to protect young children: they must be correctly installed(facing the front or back as
is appropriate) and anchored in the vehicle."

Number 1 is the correct answer.

Number 2 is correct only if number 1 has been seen to and the child weighs less than 20 pounds.

Number 3 is correct only if number 1 has been seen to.


Yes, number 1 is the best answer. According to your text, to ensure children's safety seats and restraints function properly, they must be installed correctly and anchored to the vehicle. This means that they need to be secured in place to ensure they don't move or come loose during a collision or sudden stop. Without proper installation and anchoring, the safety seat or restraint may not provide the intended protection for young children.