Which statement summarizes how the chart illustrates the author's position on ethanol?

To provide a summary of how the chart illustrates the author's position on ethanol, I would need access to the specific chart you are referring to. Please provide more information or share the chart so that I can help you with a detailed answer.

To determine how the chart illustrates the author's position on ethanol, we need to examine the chart and make observations. Here are the steps to follow:

Step 1: Obtain the chart - This could involve finding the chart from a book, article, or any other source provided.

Step 2: Analyze the chart - Carefully study the various elements of the chart, such as the data points, labels, title, and any accompanying information.

Step 3: Identify the author's position - Look for any indicators within the chart that suggest the author's perspective on ethanol. This could include the use of labels, trends, or patterns in the data, or any explicit statements within the chart or its accompanying text.

Step 4: Summarize the author's position - Based on the observations made in step 3, distill the author's position into a concise, accurate statement that effectively captures their stance on ethanol.

Without access to the actual chart, it is not possible to provide a specific statement summarizing the author's position on ethanol. However, by following these steps and analyzing the chart using your own observations, you should be able to determine the author's position effectively.

Not enough information here!

What statement?
What chart?