One of the ways humans can preserve biodiversity is ___________.

A. habitat destruction
B. habitat preservation
C. habitat fragmentation
D. poaching

Habitat preservation

The correct answer to the question is option B: habitat preservation.

To arrive at the correct answer, you can eliminate the options that contribute to the decline of biodiversity.

Option A, habitat destruction, is the process in which a natural habitat is permanently altered or damaged, leading to a loss of biodiversity. Therefore, it goes against the goal of preserving biodiversity.

Option C, habitat fragmentation, refers to the breaking up of large, continuous habitats into smaller, isolated patches. This can disrupt ecosystems and limit the movement and gene flow of species, which can negatively impact biodiversity.

Option D, poaching, involves illegal hunting or capturing of wildlife, leading to the depletion of certain species or populations. This directly contributes to the decline of biodiversity.

Option B, habitat preservation, is the action of protecting and conserving natural and intact habitats, ensuring they remain undisturbed and capable of supporting diverse plant and animal species. This approach helps to maintain and enhance biodiversity.

Therefore, option B is the correct choice as it aligns with the goal of preserving biodiversity.

Ms. Sue is right. There is one very clear answer and only one. If you will look up the meaning of the words the answer will be obvious.

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