If Aaron is practicing for a triathlon.on Sunday he bikes 12 5/8 miles and swims 5 2/3 miles.on Monday he runs 6 3/8 miles.how many total miles does Aaron cover on the two days?plz help I don’t understand 😭😢

Add: 12 5/8 + 5 2/3 + 6 3/8 = ______

don't understand? a total is the sum of its parts, so just add the distances for each day.

12 5/8 + 5 2/3 + 6 3/8 = (12+5+6) + (5/8 + 2/3 + 3/8) = ?

to add fractions, you need a common denominator, so take that step first.
Actually, it's even simpler in this case, since 5/8 + 3/8 = 8/8 = 1
(12+5+6) + (5/8 + 2/3 + 3/8) = 23 + 1 2/3 = 24 1/3

Don't worry, I'm here to help! To find the total miles Aaron covers on the two days, we need to add up the distances he biked, swam, and ran.

Let's start by adding the distances Aaron covered on Sunday. He bikes 12 5/8 miles and swims 5 2/3 miles. To work with these mixed numbers more easily, we can convert them to improper fractions.

12 5/8 miles can be written as (8 * 12 + 5) / 8 = 101 / 8 miles.
Similarly, 5 2/3 miles can be written as (3 * 5 + 2) / 3 = 17 / 3 miles.

Now, we can add these two fractions:
101 / 8 + 17 / 3

To add these fractions, we need to find a common denominator. The common denominator for 8 and 3 is 24.

Once we have a common denominator, we can add the numerators and keep the denominator the same:
(101 + (17 * 8)) / 24 = (101 + 136) / 24 = 237 / 24

Now let's move on to Monday. Aaron ran 6 3/8 miles, which can be converted to the improper fraction (8 * 6 + 3) / 8 = 51 / 8 miles.

Now, add the distance Aaron ran on Monday to the previous total distance:
237 / 24 + 51 / 8

We need to find a common denominator once again. In this case, the common denominator is 24.

Add the numerators while keeping the denominator the same:
(237 + (51 * 3)) / 24 = (237 + 153) / 24 = 390 / 24

Now, to simplify this fraction, we can divide both the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common divisor (GCD), which is 6 in this case:
(390 / 6) / (24 / 6) = 65 / 4

Therefore, the total number of miles that Aaron covers on the two days is 65/4 miles.