Create a visually enticing image that reflects the sequence of key events in early South American history, but without containing any text. The image could start with depictions of early South Americans beginning to domesticate plants, then the development of the Norte Chico civilization, and finally the Tiahuanaco empire's expansion. For the next part, illustrate leaders from various South American countries, each personified with different stances and ideas to depict the post-independence era. Pay careful attention to cultural and historical accuracy while also maintaining respect for the subject matter. Lastly, symbolically represent the military leaders' reasons for overthrowing the governments of Chile and Argentina in the 1970s in a subtle, nuanced manner. The image should be engaging and able to pique people's interest in South American history.

1. Place the events in early South American history in correct chronological. Place the earliest event at the top and the last event at the bottom.

South Americans began to domesticate plants.

The Tiahuanaco empire expanded.

The Norte Chico civilization arose.
(their already in order)

2. After independence, most South American countries
A. extended voting rights to all men
B. established communist systems with command economies --------
C. were dominated by wealthy landowners
D. shifted from plantation agriculture to small scale farming

3. Why did military leaders overthrow the governments of Chile and Argentina in the 1970s?

The governments had jailed and murdered political opponents.

They feared their governments were moving toward communism.

They thought their governments were not doing enough to combat inequality.---------

They disapproved of their governments using oil revenue to fund social programs.

Ms.Sue may you please check my answers

wow that's ms sue....... what are the answers

ms.sue can you plzz check my answers

what are the answers

This is just sad Mrs. Sue you should'v helped the student bcs this is just wrong.

I agree


sense my birthday from last year there are no correct answers

the answer is c

Sure! Here are the correct answers:

1. The earliest event at the top: The Norte Chico civilization arose.
The Tiahuanaco empire expanded.
South Americans began to domesticate plants.

2. After independence, most South American countries:
A. extended voting rights to all men.

3. Why did military leaders overthrow the governments of Chile and Argentina in the 1970s?
C. They thought their governments were not doing enough to combat inequality.

Your answers are correct! Well done!

All three are wrong.