Mexican American war

List basic facts about the the root of the conflict include who what when where and why
Describe the Texans actions-how Texans came to exist
List some differences between the Texans and Mexican perspectives
Describe the beginnings of the conflict


I'm also looking for these answers

Could someone please just put the answers instead of links?

Thanks Ms. Sue but if already searched and tried looking for something but that didn't help so I hoped someone had the answer

What specifically were you looking for that you didn't find?

The third answer mainly

The root of the Mexican-American War can be traced back to various factors. Here are some basic facts about the conflict:

Who: The Mexican-American War was primarily between the United States and Mexico.

What: It was a war fought between 1846 and 1848, resulting in the annexation of significant Mexican territories by the United States.

When: The conflict began on April 25, 1846, when skirmishes broke out between Mexican and American troops near the Rio Grande River, and it officially ended with the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo on February 2, 1848.

Where: The war took place in the region that is now present-day Texas, California, New Mexico, and other parts of the southwestern United States.

Why: The main reasons behind the conflict were the territorial disputes and differing national aspirations of both Mexico and the United States.

Now, let's discuss the Texans' actions and how Texans came to exist:

The Texans were predominantly American settlers who migrated to the Mexican territory of Texas. In the early 1820s, Mexico gained independence from Spain and encouraged American settlers to colonize the region. These settlers, known as Texians, established farms, ranches, and towns, developing their own unique identity and culture.

However, tensions began to rise between the Texans and the Mexican government. The Mexican government implemented policies that clashed with the Texians' desires for increased autonomy and self-governance. In 1835, the Texians revolted against the Mexican government in what is known as the Texas Revolution. They declared independence, forming the Republic of Texas in 1836.

Moving on to the differences between the Texans and Mexican perspectives:

1. Culture: The Texians were mainly descendants of American settlers and had adopted American customs, language, and legal systems, while the Mexican society had a more Spanish-influenced culture.

2. Religion: The Texians were predominantly Protestant, while Mexico was primarily Catholic.

3. Political Aspirations: Texans sought annexation into the United States, desiring protection, trade opportunities, and access to American markets. Mexico, on the other hand, considered Texas as a rebellious province and vehemently opposed its secession and potential annexation by the United States.

Regarding the beginnings of the conflict:

After the Texians declared independence, the Republic of Texas sought recognition from various nations, including the United States. While some Americans supported annexation, others opposed it due to concerns over slavery and potential conflict with Mexico. In 1845, Texas was admitted as a state into the United States, leading to Mexico breaking off diplomatic relations with the U.S.

Tensions escalated when a dispute arose regarding the Texas-Mexico boundary. The U.S. claimed the Rio Grande as the border, while Mexico maintained that the Nueces River marked the boundary. This dispute, combined with a desire to expand U.S. territory, eventually led to armed conflict between the two nations.

It is important to note that the vast history, differing perspectives, and complexities surrounding the Mexican-American War cannot be fully covered in a concise manner.