An image depicting the state of the Union army during the American Civil War, showing an African American soldier prominently. He is dressed in the uniform of the time, standing in front of a Union army camp filled with tents, cannons, and other soldiers. His face carries a thoughtful, strong expression, reflecting the struggle he might be facing regarding unequal treatment. Please note that the image should contain no text to answer any questions related to the prompt.

Even though they were allowed to serve as soldiers, what types of discrimination did African Americans face in the Union army? Select all that apply.

A. They were not allowed to serve as officers.
B. They were not eligible to win high awards, such as the Congressional Medal of Honor.
C. They were not paid the same as white soldiers until after the war ended.
D. They were not allowed to serve in units with white soldiers.

Here ya are

1. They were not allowed to serve as officers / They were not allowed to serve in units with white soldiers
2. Poor conditions were made worse in that most soldiers were young men under the age of 21
3. During the Civil War, the nations debt grew by a large amount
4. It won the sympathy of Europeans, making it less likely for them to support the confederacy
5. They offered protection to small inland towns in Florida

Good Luck :)
Don't get caught ;P

I only had 5 questions but your girl is right on questions 1-4 :)

@ your girl is right for 2022-2023 school year conexus

-stay swaggg

I only had 4 questions but the answers from your girl still helped 100%

your girl is still right 2023-2024 connexus

To determine which types of discrimination African Americans faced in the Union army, we can analyze each option provided.

A. They were not allowed to serve as officers.
This statement is correct. African Americans were initially prohibited from serving as officers in the Union army. It wasn't until later in the war that a small number of African American officers were commissioned.

B. They were not eligible to win high awards, such as the Congressional Medal of Honor.
This statement is not entirely accurate. While African Americans did face challenges in receiving recognition for their service, there were some cases where they were awarded high honors. However, discrimination did exist, and it wasn't until the late 20th century that many African American soldiers from the Civil War were retroactively awarded the Medal of Honor.

C. They were not paid the same as white soldiers until after the war ended.
This statement is also correct. African American soldiers in the Union army faced unequal pay compared to their white counterparts until the end of the war in 1865. It was only after the war that Congress passed legislation equalizing their pay.

D. They were not allowed to serve in units with white soldiers.
This statement is not entirely accurate. African American soldiers initially served in segregated units known as the United States Colored Troops (USCT). However, by the end of the war, some regiments became more integrated, and African American soldiers were occasionally assigned to serve alongside white soldiers.

Based on the explanations provided, the correct options for the discrimination faced by African Americans in the Union army are:

A. They were not allowed to serve as officers.
C. They were not paid the same as white soldiers until after the war ended.
D. They were not allowed to serve in units with white soldiers.

your girl is 100% correct ^^!

Which term refers to the exact meaning of a word phrase based on its dictionary definition

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