1. Add 28 + (–20). *

2. Find –17 – (–18) *

3. Find 3 × (–4). *

4. Find –48 ÷ (–6). *

5. Solve –7x = 49 *


#1 is wrong

#2 is wrong

#3 is correct

#4 is correct
and #5 is correct but fix the others

ok so is #1 -8 and #2 1

#1 is 8 and #2 is 1.

1. To add 28 + (–20), we simply add the two numbers together. The key here is to recognize that a negative number can be thought of as subtracting that number. So, instead of adding a negative 20, we can think of it as subtracting 20.

Solution: 28 + (–20) = 28 - 20 = 8

2. To find –17 – (–18), we again need to recognize that a negative number can be thought of as subtracting that number. So, we can rewrite the expression as –17 + 18 where the sign of the negative number inside the parentheses changes.

Solution: –17 – (–18) = –17 + 18 = -1

3. To find 3 × (–4), we simply multiply the two numbers together.

Solution: 3 × (–4) = -12

4. To find –48 ÷ (–6), we need to divide -48 by -6. The division of two negative numbers will result in a positive answer.

Solution: –48 ÷ (–6) = 8

5. To solve –7x = 49, we need to isolate x. To do this, we divide both sides of the equation by -7.

Solution: –7x/(-7) = 49/(-7)
Simplifying: x = -7

Therefore, the answer to –7x = 49 is x = -7.