, can we subtract -2.5 - 3.5n? *


but in order to evaluate it, you need to have a value for n.
Otherwise, there's no way to simplify it in any helpful way.

Yes, we can subtract -2.5 - 3.5n. To perform the subtraction, follow these steps:

1. Start with the expression: -2.5 - 3.5n

2. To subtract -2.5, simply subtract it from 0 (since -2.5 is the negative of 2.5). This gives us:

0 - 2.5 = -2.5

3. Now, to subtract 3.5n, we need to be careful since n is a variable. Since we do not have any information about the value of n, we cannot simplify it further. So, we keep the term as it is:

-2.5 - 3.5n

Therefore, the final result of subtracting -2.5 - 3.5n is -2.5 - 3.5n.