I have to solve a - 9 = 20 & b - 9 > 20.

The first one would be a= 29 right??
I need help with the inequality also how is part a and part b similar situation with the solving method???
How are they different

both are solved the same way.

b - 9 > 20
b > 29

so, any number greater than 29 will be bigger than 20 after you subtract 9, right?

Ok i kno how they are similar but how ar ether diffrent help?!?!?!??

To solve the equation a - 9 = 20, you need to isolate the variable "a" on one side of the equation. Here's how you can do it step by step:

1. Start with the equation: a - 9 = 20.
2. To isolate "a," add 9 to both sides of the equation: a - 9 + 9 = 20 + 9.
3. This simplifies to: a = 29.

So, you are correct! The solution to the equation is a = 29.

Now let's move on to the inequality b - 9 > 20. Solving an inequality requires a slightly different approach compared to solving an equation. To solve this inequality, you need to isolate the variable "b" on one side of the inequality sign. Here are the steps:

1. Start with the inequality: b - 9 > 20.
2. To isolate "b," add 9 to both sides of the inequality: b - 9 + 9 > 20 + 9.
3. This simplifies to: b > 29.

So, the solution to the inequality is b > 29, which means that "b" is greater than 29.

Now, let's discuss how part a and part b are similar and different in terms of the solving method:

- In both cases, you need to isolate the variable on one side of the equation or inequality.
- You perform the same operation (adding 9) on both sides to isolate the variable.
- Both equations involve the number 9 and the number 20.

- In part a, you are solving an equation, which means you need to find a specific value for the variable. In this case, it is a = 29.
- In part b, you are solving an inequality, which means you need to find a range of values for the variable. In this case, it is b > 29.

So, overall, the basic concept of isolating the variable remains the same, but the type of solution differs between equations and inequalities. Equations have a specific value solution, while inequalities have a range of values.